Have to get this off of my chest before I burst into tears...

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As many of you have heard or by now figured out, we are pregnant. We are very excited and overjoyed by the addition that will be coming in November. Having a baby should be such a happy time, but leave it to family to ruin that for you.
First off, why would anyone ever ask anyone else if they were trying or this baby was an accident. Regardless it isn't anyone's business unless the couple would like it to be. I just think it is so rude of people to ask that. Either way, does it make this child any less special??? You have to wonder who brought up the people that walk this earth today.
Secondly, if your reaction to us telling you we are pregnant is anything other than happiness, don't say anything. I don't want to hear any of your negativity. (It's pretty sad when a certain someone I know could even hide their dissapproval, even though we knew they wouldn't be excited they managed to say "Congrats.") It is my family, not yours and truly you have no say. Seriously, when you think about when he/she arrives in November do you think you will love them any less because it might not have been the best timing for us to have them. People's stupid comments really hurt. I've really had quite enough. I try to be nice, but I simply don't see the point anymore. I've decided that I will not be around people who have negative things to bring to my world. Your loss not ours. Maybe I'm just being overly emotional but I needed to get it out.