Beautiful day in the neighborhood

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Today was so gorgeous out!!! Tomorrow it is suppose to sleet:(. We spent the wonderful day today just walking around Roger Williams Zoo. It was a really good exercise and Drake really enjoyed the walk in his stroller. The zoo was also filled with many double strollers. Something I've never really paid much attention to before. We saw a couple that we liked so we are on a venture to find a slightly used one through craigslist or a consigment shop. No rush of course.
After our stroll through the Zoo we visited John and Mimi at their new house. It was nice to see them as we haven't seen them in a while. John and Scott discussed Scott's issue of whether to take the job or to leave it, still haven't decided. A lot of issues to weigh and it is taking a while.
Busy day tomorrow, bringing Drake to the doc to have his eye rash and his diaper rash checked out. Today Drake waved for the first time!!!