Lazy day with Drake

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Today Drake and I are spending the day at home. Scott has some things to do today. Later he will be taking my brother to Robyn's ( to get his professional head shot done for his real estate career. After that I have my first physical therapy appointment in this pregnancy. I've been having some pretty severe low back pain. I had this the entire pregnancy with Drake and it kept me from sitting or standing for more than an hour. I'm hoping it doesn't get that bad this time. They put me in two times a week after today. I had my 13 week appointment yesterday. It went well, I got the physical therapy script and I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. I go back in 3 weeks for my 16 week check up. At that point I will be able to schedule my Anatomy ultrasound. I cannot wait. I'm counting down the weeks.
Baby Bean - 13 weeks and 3 days today! The baby is about 3 inches long and is about the size of a medium shrimp. This is the good part of the pregnancy where you feel better. That is absolutely true of this pregnancy.
Drake - I weighed him yesterday and he weighed 23.1 lbs. He has his 12 month check up at the end of this month. He is mumbling off sentences and phrases, not that we can understand all of them. He is becoming very independent and enjoys feeding himself. We've been preparing for his first birthday party, which happens next weekend. I cannot believe he will be 1 in just one short week. Time truly has flied.