Day 3, Friday April 16, 2010 Cloth Diapering

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Friday, April 16, 2010
Cloth Diapering
I initiated the cloth diaper idea a few months ago. Mainly to save money but also because they are adorable. We moved to our new place and finally have a washer and dryer, perfect opportunity to try cloth diapers. I scoped out brands and finally settled on Softbums. It is an All in two (AI2) diaper and this one is one size. Which means I only have to buy them once and it will fit from preemie to toddler. We did try it on Drake and it fit great. It also fits Colten to a tee, a Minnesota Mom came up with an amazing product. We only have one diaper at this point (so we could try it) and three inserts. The outer layer can be used again and again unless it gets soiled. We used it through two diaper changes tonight and it barely was damp. Tomorrow Scott will test it out, he isn't so gun ho about the cloth diapering. I think he may be afraid of the unknown. We shall see how it goes, but if all goes well, we will be ordering a package of 6 (runs about $215) and saying goodbye to diapers forever! No we aren't cloth diapering Drake, however, my little boy has been potty training since last Saturday. He is doing great, hasn't wore a diaper in two or three days. We are doing pull ups at night but this morning when he woke up, he was completely dry!