Day 25, Saturday, May 8, 2010 Jacey's 3rd Birthday
7:48 AM Edit This 0 Comments »Saturday, May 8, 2010
Jacey's 3rd Birthday
A good time was had by all, especially the birthday girl. There was a magician who had an amazing sense of humor and some AMAZING food. While there was a large array of food, my favorite was the empanadas, mmmmmm. Jacey looked darling in her pretty pink dress. There were many family members and lots of small children.
Day 24, Friday, May 7, 2010 Colten discovers the freeze pop
7:31 AM Edit This 0 Comments »Day 24
Friday, May 7, 2010
Colten discovers the freeze pop
One of the long had traditions of summer is the freeze pop. Drake has enjoyed their wonderful flavor for 3 summers now. He has grown to love them and some would even say they have become his favorite. It appears that his little brother will follow suit. On this day, everyone, young and old enjoyed a refreshing freeze pop while we visited the lake :)
Day 22, Wednesday, May 5, 2010 Our boys will grow up together
7:05 PM Edit This 0 Comments »Day 22
May 5, 2010
Our boys will grow up together
This required two photos. As Sarah and I watched our two oldest boys sit under the shade of the tree and look so deep in conversation, we both thought how awesome it is going to be to watch our kids grow up together. While Landon and Drake have a year and a half between them, Garrett and Colten have only 7 weeks between them. We foresee a lifetime of baseball games, basketball games, dates, parties and many worryful evenings for us Moms.
Day 21, Tuesday, May 4, 2010 Colten's Big Boy Sippy Cup
6:46 PM Edit This 0 Comments »Day 21
May 4, 2010
Colten's Big Boy Sippy Cup
He tries soooo hard to get this right, but he just started and is learning. It was brought to our attention that he is at the age where he should start to learn to use the sippy cup. We put cold water in it and formula. He bites at it and every few bites gets a bit of a drink. Too cute, my baby is growing up way too quickly!
Day 20, Monday, May 3, 2010 Day at Sarah and Kyle's with Nick and Aunty Gayle
6:28 PM Edit This 0 Comments »Day 20
May 3, 2010
Day at Sarah and Kyle's with Nick and Aunty Gayle
We had a little get together at Sarah and Kyle's to hang out with Nick. Nick whom we thought was leaving in two days, turns out his Mall that he works at was about four feet under water. Needless to say Nicholas will not be returning to TN anytime soon. Lucky for us, we miss his funny personality and crazy hair! The big boys swam in the little pool, the little ones hung out, ate and fell asleep. Great Aunty Gayle was happy to rock Colten to sleep :)
Day 19, Sunday, May 2, 2010 Van Ride to Springfield, MA
5:18 PM Edit This 0 Comments »Day 19
May 2, 2010
Van Ride to Springfield, MA
The day was meant to be a day to check out some campgrounds up in the Springfield, MA area so that we can camp and hit up Six Flags. Originally it was going to be my family of four and my Mother and Pete. Gayle and Nick decided to tag along for the fun. That is right a 7 passenger van with 8 passenger, a two hour drive each way, two boys under two, one tired Nicholi and a DVD player (thank heavens.) The campground ( was decently priced, had adorable cabins, a nice pool and the help was extremely friendly. While we don't think we have the time to head up that far this camping season, we will be keeping it in the back of our head for next year! On the ride home we stopped at a local diner and enjoyed the delicious food of the local. It was a long day, but fun was had by all. Crammed car rides usually provide some lasting memories :)
Day 18, Saturday, May 1, 2010 Miss Allyson Teague became Mrs. Jason Marrapese
6:37 PM Edit This 0 Comments »Day 18
May 1, 2010
Miss Allyson Teague became Mrs. Jason Marrapese
Today we spent the day with family to celebrate the union of marriage between my cousin, Allyson L Teague to Jason Marrapese. The ceremony was held at John V Doyle in Coventry. Full on Catholic ceremony. The bride was stunning and the groom as happy as I've ever seen him. The reception was held at Cranston Country Club. It was a beautiful reception, a bit on the divided side but great none the less. Our family sure made for some interesting company. Rob with his red shoes, Nick and Crystal sharing his tuxedo shirt, Ben and Lauren providing their own drinks, Mom with her bib and Kelsey danced the night away! We got home around 11:30 pm. Aunt Theresa babysat the boys (that was a story on its own, lets just say Drake didn't make the pot lol.)
Day 15, Wednesday, April 28, 2010 Night Night Play
6:46 PM Edit This 0 Comments » Day 15
April 28, 2010
Nigh Night Play
The boys are all jammied up and getting ready for our nightly routine. First Drake finishes up his last drink, then he sits with Daddy for a few books, some nights Mommy gets to read a book or two. Then we chill for a few minutes and off to his big boy bed he goes. Then Daddy comes back out and takes Colten and puts him to sleep. Colten is very use to Daddy putting him to bed (which could be a problem if Daddy gets a second shift job.)
Day 12, Sunday, April 25, 2010 Musician Colten
7:40 PM Edit This 0 Comments »April 25, 2010
Musician Colten
I came home from a very long and tedious day and this is what I came home to. My little chubs was playing the alligator all by himself. It was wonderful music and it totally lifted my spirits. I canot believe how big my baby is getting so quickly. If you want to see his concert, check facebook for the video tomorrow :)
Day 11, Saturday, April 24, 2010 Gina and Ryan's Baby Shower
7:23 PM Edit This 0 Comments »April 24, 2010
Gina and Ryan's Baby Shower
Today we celebrated the arrival of our neice Alyssa Regina by throwing the new mom and dad a baby shower. It was co-ed and consisted of yummy food, good company and fun games. Josh won the bottle drinking game, Sarah and Kelly won Gift Bingo, and Theresa won baby price is right! We also, all wrote letters to Alyssa for each birthday up until she is 25. They were all individually sealed and put in a box, labeled with the year that her and her parents are to open them, read them and enjoy them.
All in all it was a good day!
Day 9, Thursday, April 22, 2010 Drake's new Carhart from Pop
6:52 PM Edit This 0 Comments »April 22, 2010
Drake's new Carhart from Pop
When Drake was little and we were visiting Nana and Pop, they bought Drake his first Carhart sweatshirt. It was a 2T and although he still fits in it (snuggly), this one came at a great time. This one is a 4T and it has more room for him to grow. Plus, little brother Colten has gladly inherited the old one :) He fits in it pretty well.
Day 8, Wednesday, April 21, 2010 Visiting Baby Alyssa
6:18 PM Edit This 0 Comments »April 21, 2010
Visiting Alyssa Regina
She is doing amazing. She is the most precious little thing ever. When I first met Alyssa she weighed under 2 lbs, today she was a little over 4 lbs! To me she looks huge. I got to watch her mother, Regina (my sister in law) feed her, change her and hold her. It was truly amazing. I wish we got to visit her more often but the boys aren't allowed in the NICU so it makes it a bit tough for us to get up there. We cannot wait for her to come home, Drake and Colten are patiently awaiting to meet their baby cousin, Alyssa
Day 7, Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Momma and boys
7:17 PM Edit This 0 Comments »April 20, 2010 Momma and Boys
Daddy had to replace the brakes on the Mini van today. Mommy was blessed to get some alone time with the boys. It is a rarety these days and I miss them like crazy. Scott is an amazing father, but we are two very different parent types. This makes us a great team, but sometimes I just feel like I am robbing my kids of something by not being here. They will be fine I am sure, but I miss them.
Day 6, Monday, April 19, 2010 Spring Cleaning
7:11 PM Edit This 0 Comments »April 19, 2010
Spring Cleaning
We are purging our baby stuff, selling it on Craigslist! That is right, the stuff we don't see a need for is going. This doesn't mean we won't need it someday, just not right now. We may never need it again, but if that time comes and we need it we will simply buy newly used stuff :)
Day 5, Sunday, April 18, 2010 McKenzie Rose's 3rd Birthday Party
6:01 PM Edit This 0 Comments »April 18, 2010
McKenzie's 3rd Birthday Party
Today we had the honor of celebrating Miss McKenzie's 3rd birthday. She is such a beautiful little girl and she is sooooo smart. She is such a doll! This year she had a "littlest pet shop" party and she scored some awesome toys. It was great to see the Goodhart family. Cassidy (McKenzie's Mom) & Will did a fantastic job hosting. Here is to another year and another wonderful celebration.
Day 4, Saturday, April 17, 2010 Clam Cakes and Chowda with Grammie and Papa
5:47 PM Edit This 0 Comments »Saturday, April 17, 2010
Clam Cakes and Chowda with Grammie and Papa
We went to visit Papa and Grammie and spent much of our Saturday morning with them. Papa wanted to Road Trip, so we all loaded up in the van and went to IGGY's for clam cakes and chowda. Drake loved the waves and the seagulls. Colten hung out with Daddy and enjoyed watching Drake. We also had the first Del's Lemonade of the season!
Day 3, Friday April 16, 2010 Cloth Diapering
6:08 PM Edit This 0 Comments »Friday, April 16, 2010
Cloth Diapering
I initiated the cloth diaper idea a few months ago. Mainly to save money but also because they are adorable. We moved to our new place and finally have a washer and dryer, perfect opportunity to try cloth diapers. I scoped out brands and finally settled on Softbums. It is an All in two (AI2) diaper and this one is one size. Which means I only have to buy them once and it will fit from preemie to toddler. We did try it on Drake and it fit great. It also fits Colten to a tee, a Minnesota Mom came up with an amazing product. We only have one diaper at this point (so we could try it) and three inserts. The outer layer can be used again and again unless it gets soiled. We used it through two diaper changes tonight and it barely was damp. Tomorrow Scott will test it out, he isn't so gun ho about the cloth diapering. I think he may be afraid of the unknown. We shall see how it goes, but if all goes well, we will be ordering a package of 6 (runs about $215) and saying goodbye to diapers forever! No we aren't cloth diapering Drake, however, my little boy has been potty training since last Saturday. He is doing great, hasn't wore a diaper in two or three days. We are doing pull ups at night but this morning when he woke up, he was completely dry!
Day 2, Thursday, April 15, 2010 Meeting the newest Goodhart
6:23 PM Edit This 0 Comments »Meeting the newest Goodhart
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Brayden Goodhart
Born April 14, 2010 @ 8:48 P.M.
8 lbs 13 ounces
to Ashley Goodhart
After work today, I stopped by Woman and Infants hospital to visit the newest Goodhart family member. He is so handsome, such a good little baby. This picture is Brayden and his Grandma Sallie (one awesome lady!) Brayden is the first grandchild in thier family and as you can tell Grandma is in love. I was blessed to hold and even feed him while I visited. He has some gorgeous strawberry blonde hair, just like his Uncle Joey and his Grandma Sallie. Mommy and baby were doing lovely and both are expected to head home tomorrow.
Day 1, Wednesday, April 14, 2010 1st Cookout with Sarah, Kyle and the boys
10:37 AM Edit This 0 Comments »April 14, 2010
Our first 2010 cookout at the Jordan-Bodington House
After a slow work day for me and a hectic day at home for Scott, relaxation was in order.
We spent our evening, as we spend many evenings, hanging out with Sarah and Kyle (plus their two boys.)
I love and cherish these times. We've been doing it for a while and it is simply amazing to see how much all of our boys have grown. Also, it has been wonderful to watch our own relationships blossom into something I would never be able to give up. Kyle and Scott hung outdoors building a fire with the two older boys, while Sarah and I hung indoors with the two little ones (who are only 7 weeks apart.) We had burgers on the grill and spent the evening chatting and watching the boys interact. It will be interesting to take this picture again next year to see how much they have grown and changed :)
Project 365
6:48 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
The goals are to remember my year on a daily basis, to become a better photographer, to see what is most important to me and better yet, stick to a goal!
You can find out more about the project at
I started yesterday, April 14, 2010! I can't wait to see where this leads
You can find out more about the project at
I started yesterday, April 14, 2010! I can't wait to see where this leads