The newest member of our family has arrived!
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Colten Robert Dumont made his debut into our family November 1, 2009 at 1:54 p.m. He weighed a whopping 9 lbs 5.8 ozs and was 21" long. Those stats are identical to his big brother Drake. The difference is is that Drake was born at 39 weeks 1 day and Colten was born at 37 weeks 6 days. We had to do a repeat c-section and it was as routine as it could have been. My memory of the first c-section was less painful than this time around. I'm placing blame on the fact that they were both under different circumstances. Last time I was in active labor, this time I was not. We also delivered at different hospitals. Women and Infants (where Drake was birthed) is huge and always staffed and busy. South County Hospital (where Colten was birthed) is very much private and slow. Our c-section was an unplanned weekend surgery, so the entire operating team had to be called into work. Colten was the only baby born on November 1st in this hospital. He is currently still the only boy in the Woman's Wing. Everyone is having little girls lol. Today was Colten's second day on this earth and it was a bit rough, he slept most of the day and has had some issues feeding. We are working on getting everything corrected and keeping him healthy. We have to decide whether or not I will keep up on the breastfeeding or not. At this point I am torn and weighing our options. I just want to do what is best for Colten. Anywho, I shall be posting more often with updates of our family of four!!!!