6:28 PM
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2010 will bring many things and we are hoping for many positive changes. In the way of love we will witness two (perhaps three) weddings. This year Allyson and Jay will tie the knot in May and Nia and Buddy will tie the knot in July. In the way of family, there are many new additions on the way. The Goodharts will add two bundles of joy to their group, one boy and one surprise. Ryan and Gina will be adding a surprise to the Dumont line in June. Here is to hoping that there are many additions and no losses. We certainly could use a break from death.
Upcoming changes for our family are abundant. I will be starting a new job in January, which means Scott will be a stay at home Dad for the time being. I am fully confident that he will be amazing. Hopefully we will be moving this summer to a place that is a bit larger. We will be adding a new (used) vehicle to our fleet. Speaking of vehicles, as of February we will be car payment free!!! I haven't been able to say that since 2002! We will also be vacationing in Disney in around November/December with the Dumonts, to say the least, I CANNOT wait!!!!
As far as resolutions go, there are the usuals. Be a better person and lose weight. Weight loss is a huge factor and although we didn't succeed last year, Scott and I are starting Weight Watchers next week. We have big goals and are set on reaching them. I'd also like to make my marriage stronger. If anything this past year has done nothing but test our love and will towards one another. We've spent two years being together 24/7, which is amazing, but if we can make it through that then I have faith that this is a forever type of love lol. I'd like to be the best mom that I can. I'd like to throw Drake a killer 2nd birthday party and give Colten a picturesque first birthday party. Another huge goal is to save money. I've already put a system into place. I will be a couponing, deal grabbing fool. 2010, here I come, stronger than ever.
6:14 PM
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As 2010 is just around the corner, I sit and reflect back on 2009. It's been a busy year and one that will forever be memorable.
January...we celebrated Christmas with the Goodharts and had a great time with the Yankee Swap. Obama was elected president, which brought many changes, even within our own household. Our good friends Brian and John adopted their beautiful daughter Ella. Lastly we threw Ben a going away party, as we all thought he would be joining the Army. (As we later found out, that was just not in the cards for him, :) I can't say many people complained. We also learned that there would be a new addition to the extended family, Sarah found out she was pregnant!!!
February...a new family member was conceived. We took a very interesting trip to North Carolina to visit the in laws. It was interesting because Scott, Ben, Theresa, myself and Drake (in his carseat) took the 15 hour trip from RI to NC in a FORD FOCUS!!! We celebrated Russ' birthday in NC with most of the Dumont gang. Lastly, we celebrated Aunty Gayles and Mom's birthday at the Olive Garden.
March...we spread the word that Baby Dumont #2 would be arriving sometime in November! We celebrated Scott's 30th birthday at Village Haven with some amazing friends and family. We had our first ultrasound and saw the little baby bean. Lastly, I attended Gina's wedding shower, which was a fun day for the girls (well Drake came too.)
April...we celebrated MacKenzie's 2nd birthday in great style. We had two easters, a wonderful dinner at Theresa's and a cold breakfast at Nan's lol. We helped our good friends Will and Casey move into their beautiful new home.
May...was a crazy hectic month. We celebrated Mother's Day at Nan's outdoors. Many other events were celebrated this month...Hailey's birthday, Kameron's birthday, Pam's bridal shower, Cian's birthday party, Jacey's birthday and most importantly (to us) was our little boys 1st birthday. Drake turned 1 in Ducky style. His party was at the lake and everyone showed up to play games and have cake.
June...the month of weddings. Regina and Ryan's wedding kicked off the season. It was a beautiful day on the ocean. Later in the month Justin and Pamela had a church ceremony followed by a spectacular outdoor reception. Both brides were beautiful and the grooms were stunning. We also took Drake on his first camping trip to celebrate father's day. This was a weekend to remember with many funny stories. We also found out that we were having another little boy!
July...started out with a memorial rememberance for Ashley. Another wedding was held, Brian and John tied the knot in a gorgeous outdoor ceremony. We celebrated Aunt Lorraine retiring from the school system. We also took a memorable trip to NH. We were accompanied by my Dad and Jacob. We visited Six Gun City and Santa's village.
August...started out with our joint baby sprinkle. Mom threw a joint shower for Sarah, Kyle, Scott and I. We spent a week in NC visiting with Pat and Russ. Drake had a great time with his Nana, Pop and Tanker.
September...we spent a weekend camping at Strawberry Park. Garrett was born into Sarah and Kyle's family.
October...was spent mainly in the hospital undergoing NST's. We did our annual trip to Roger William's Zoo for Spooky Zoo with the gang. Drake went trick or treating with Kameron, Grammie, Papa, Daddy and Mommy. We also found out that there would be a new Dumont in 2010, Regina and Ryan are expecting a bundle of joy in June 2010.
November...started out with a bang. Colten Robert arrived on the 1st of November. The remainder of the month is a blur lol.
December...is blank. Not literally, but my calendar is blank. Having a newborn and a 19 month old sure will wipe out the memory. This one will be from memory so forgive me if I've forgotten anything. We celebrated Kelsey's birthday at Nan's. It was a fun night. The Dumont's arrived to RI to celebrate Christmas. Christmas eve was spent visiting our Survivor friends, visiting Jacob and Sarah, and sleeping at Mom and Pete's. Christmas morning Drake was awoken by Mommy at an early 4:45 am. Colten slept through the opening of gifts. Once all gifts were opened, we dressed and headed to Nan's. A great meal was had and more gifts were opened. After that we headed back to Mom's to round up our loot and spend some time with Nicholas (in from TN) and the family. The day after Christmas was spent with the Dumonts. In all, the boys made out like bandits. Tonight will be a night in, we spent time with the boys and they are now both peacefully in bed. The hubby and I are watching the tube and more than likely heading to bed before the ball drops.
7:51 PM
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Colten Robert Dumont made his debut into our family November 1, 2009 at 1:54 p.m. He weighed a whopping 9 lbs 5.8 ozs and was 21" long. Those stats are identical to his big brother Drake. The difference is is that Drake was born at 39 weeks 1 day and Colten was born at 37 weeks 6 days. We had to do a repeat c-section and it was as routine as it could have been. My memory of the first c-section was less painful than this time around. I'm placing blame on the fact that they were both under different circumstances. Last time I was in active labor, this time I was not. We also delivered at different hospitals. Women and Infants (where Drake was birthed) is huge and always staffed and busy. South County Hospital (where Colten was birthed) is very much private and slow. Our c-section was an unplanned weekend surgery, so the entire operating team had to be called into work. Colten was the only baby born on November 1st in this hospital. He is currently still the only boy in the Woman's Wing. Everyone is having little girls lol. Today was Colten's second day on this earth and it was a bit rough, he slept most of the day and has had some issues feeding. We are working on getting everything corrected and keeping him healthy. We have to decide whether or not I will keep up on the breastfeeding or not. At this point I am torn and weighing our options. I just want to do what is best for Colten. Anywho, I shall be posting more often with updates of our family of four!!!!
9:44 AM
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Today has been a long time coming. It was two days prior to Gregory Hebert having to go to trial. He was scheduled for a long drawn out trial Monday, July 13, 2009. The night in question was June 23, 2007, two years ago. It has been a long road of trial calendar calls that led no where and a lot of Greg not showing up or having to be at any of the court dates. Meanwhile, my mother has showed up to each and every one. He was indicted on two counts. The first was driving to endanger, death resulting and the second was leaving the scene of the accident, death resulting. He had originally pleaded not guilty and today he withdrew that plea. He entered a nolo contendere plea, which as the judge stated, "Is considered guilty in the state of RI." At this point he is looking at a maximum of 2 years jail time and a total of 10 years of probation. The sentencing is currently scheduled for September 10, 2009. At this point we will find out what the judge is sentencing him to as far as jail time. He did state today that while he is sure there will be jail time, he cannot say how much jail time just yet. We just know that the maximum will be two years. He gets to spend the next 8 weeks free while he awaits the judge's decision.
All of that being said, I can't say this makes anyone happy or leaves anyone disappointed. What I can say is that I am personally glad he will serve some time in prison. While two years seems inadequate to the crime, no amount of time he serves will make me feel more at peace over losing my sister. Also, I can honestly say I am a bit relieved that we didn't have to relive those awful last moments of Ashley's death through a drawn out trial. Two months from now this will all be behind us. While it will never be forgotten, it makes no difference to me, as it will never bring her back.
10:47 AM
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Yesterday was spent with family and friends. We started with our annual tradition, breakfast at one of Ashley's favorite spots, T's Restaurant. It went well and not much discussion of Ashley, as it is still incredibly difficult to speak her name without getting teary eyed. Once they start it seems almost impossible to stop them. Next Scott, Drake and I headed to do laundry (it had to be done) and while Drake and I waited in the car and Scott loaded the laundry in, I let the tears flow. I headed over to Ashley's myspace and read Mom's comment and began to comment myself. I was unable to stop the tears and Drake gave me a look that let me know that he knows exactly why I am crying, he knows who she is and he misses her too. That is what kills me more than anything (I'm being redundant if you've already read above mentioned myspace comment) is that she never got to hold either of her nephews (that is right baby number 2 is also a boy, more on that later.) After laundry we headed to Mom's to bake cookies for the 4th of July party at Aunt Gayles this Saturday. Drake had a fantastic time ripping apart her tupperware cupboard and playing with AJ (the dog.) Lastly, we all headed to the cemetery to meet family and friends for our memorial get together. Typically these aren't sad, as everyone tries to keep an upbeat spirit about them. I did manage to escape for two seconds and in doing so the tears began to fall again. I couldn't control it, just thinking about losing her makes me really sad. I know this will always be true and from it I gather that I remember the good and the bad and she brings tears and smiles to my face and heart.
This blog is a bit all over the place and for that I apologize. Now to get a bit more hectic.
Drake began walking June 5, 2009. It was at our ultrasound appointment and we were in the office waiting room with Scott's parents. It was pretty amazing and he hasn't slowed down since.
We are 21 weeks pregnant as of Monday. What this means is Colten Robert is about as long as a carrot and approximately 3/4 pound. He has been measuring one week big which really means he is the length of a spaghetti squash and approximately one pound! I've been feeling him move about and kick for weeks now, but this week they have really increased and I don't doubt that those movements will be felt externally very soon (yay for Daddy!) At our 20 week ultrasound we learned two things, the first is that he is now breach. Drake was also breach, hence the c-section. Luckily we already know we are having a c-section so no dissapointment there. Secondly that the ultrasound technician could not tell if it was a boy or girl this go around. At our 18 week ultrasound we were told it was a boy. Needless to say, next week we will be heading in for a 22 week ultrasound to confirm boy/girl. I am almost positive it will still show a boy. I'm pretty excited that Drake will have the experience of having a brother to play and grow with.
Some past important dates and happenings...
June 6 - Ryan and Gina tied the knot! Ryan is Scott's middle brother. They have been together many years and made it official. The day was gorgeous. Drake attended the ceremony but spent the reception at Aunty Sarah's with cousin Landon and Uncle Kyle. They honeymooned in Aruba and based on stories and photos, they had a wonderful time!
June 27 - Justin and Pamela tied the knot! Justin is Scott's cousin. What a wonderful couple. I don't think any couple emmulates love like these two. You can tell they love each other simply by looking at them or watching them around each other. The ceremony was a catholic ceremony and the reception was held at Pamela's parent's house. What a beautiful home! It was an outdoor event, very simplistic but so extraordinary! The bride and groom looked amazing! They are currently honeymooning in Jamaica.
July 2 - Brian and John finally adopted India Opal Vaughn-Hallene! They've been her foster parents basically since she was born and it sure has been a process. But it is finally official. They now have two beautiful adopted daughters!
Upcoming things to look foward to...
July 4 - Party at Aunty Gayles!
July 11 - Brian and John tie the knot!
July 29 to 31 - Camping at Six Gun City in NH with Dad and Jacob!
August 1 - Baby Sprinkle!
August 5 to 11 - Trip to North Carolina to visit the in-laws!
5:48 AM
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Today Drake and I are spending the day at home. Scott has some things to do today. Later he will be taking my brother to Robyn's (www.rnrphotoworld.com) to get his professional head shot done for his real estate career. After that I have my first physical therapy appointment in this pregnancy. I've been having some pretty severe low back pain. I had this the entire pregnancy with Drake and it kept me from sitting or standing for more than an hour. I'm hoping it doesn't get that bad this time. They put me in two times a week after today. I had my 13 week appointment yesterday. It went well, I got the physical therapy script and I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. I go back in 3 weeks for my 16 week check up. At that point I will be able to schedule my Anatomy ultrasound. I cannot wait. I'm counting down the weeks.
Baby Bean - 13 weeks and 3 days today! The baby is about 3 inches long and is about the size of a medium shrimp. This is the good part of the pregnancy where you feel better. That is absolutely true of this pregnancy.
Drake - I weighed him yesterday and he weighed 23.1 lbs. He has his 12 month check up at the end of this month. He is mumbling off sentences and phrases, not that we can understand all of them. He is becoming very independent and enjoys feeding himself. We've been preparing for his first birthday party, which happens next weekend. I cannot believe he will be 1 in just one short week. Time truly has flied.
11:16 AM
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I'm sick to my stomach. I feel like a complete failure. I interviewed for a job last Friday and felt 100% sure of myself that I would be getting the position. I normally wouldn't have been so confident but the interviewer commented on how she liked my resume and how she wanted me to meet the other manager. Mind you this job was through an employee placement get up. I told that lady I was pregnant but not the interviewer. Low and behold, here it is Thursday and I get a phone call from the employee placement lady saying they filled all of the positions. I have a feeling she recommended not hiring me due to the pregnancy. Of course, there is no way to prove this but I just have a gut feeling. I don't know what else to do. I am applying for all the jobs I can, getting less interviews as time goes on and obviously no offers. As the pregnancy progesses, it is going to be harder to keep it a secret. I am simply at a loss of words and ideas.
1:55 PM
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We are having a baby and in doing so, we are planning to pick Godparents. I must admit I am not the best religious person. I haven't been to church since Drake was baptized. Despite my godmother's best efforts to get me there, I never make it. This is no excuse. I'm letting Drake down in showing him and teaching him about his relationship with God. I may find this hard to do because I am not all that clear on my own relationship with God. I was baptized last March and wish there was something to draw me back in. A group or something extra that will keep me connected. I've been looking and continue. Also, watching movies about God and reading articles really have me thinking. I am making a promise to myself and God that I will have my relationship sorted out and more stable prior to bringing my next child into the religious community. I owe my children that at the very least.
This makes me ponder, what should I really be looking for when choosing Godparents. When we chose Drake's we chose on whether they were baptized, would they be there for him in the future and could they help him if he wasn't comfortable seeking help from us(his parents.) We chose Scott's best friends Tim and John and Tim's wife Robyn. John was our religion expert, he was the devoted Episcopalian. Granted he has had some church issues and from what I understand has been a less than avid church goer. I believe that he still has just a strong relationship with God and he will be there if Drake has questions about religion. Tim and Robyn, we can always count on them to be there. Robyn sends cards and gifts any chance she gets. I know Drake will feel their presence in his life. They will be people he undoubtedly could go to for anything. I whole heartedly believe we made the right choice.
As for choosing Ashlee/Colten's godparents, I've had a couple of questions. I'd really like at least one of the Godparents to be an avid church goer. By then myself and the kids will be and I want the same for their sponsor. I'd like one of them to be a guide and someone they can depend on not to forget anything(birthdays, baptism anniversary, etc.) Lastly, this may sound odd, but if it is a girl, I want one of them to be someone who was close to my sister. After all the child will be named after her. I'd like this person to be someone who can tell my kids stories about my sister, perhaps stories I don't know about. That being said, we haven't really made any decisions. If it is a girl, ideally we will choose two females and one male. If it is a boy, vice versa. At this point, I have an idea for one godparent, regardless of the child's sex. That's all for my religious spiel.
1:46 PM
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It sure has been a while. We have been without internet and cable for over a month now. This means my posting is scarce unfortunately. I wanted to get on and do a few quick updates...
Drake - OMG he is going to be the ONE in a short 20 days! This past year has flown by and my little man is so big! He took two steps on his own the other day and I was so excited. He has yet to grasp the idea of walking on his own but this is just fine with me. He crawls like a speed demon and is starting to say more and understand even more. He is amazing.
Baby Bean - Well we have names for baby bean, either Ashlee Vanessa or Colten Robert. Ashlee Vanessa is after my sister who passed away July 2, 2007. Her name was Ashley Renae. We chose Ashlee so she would have her own written identity and Vanessa because it means butterfly. Ashley loved butterflies. Colten is simply a name we liked, his nickname will be Cole (Daddy's choice.) The middle name is after Scott's Pop who passed in September of 07 and my Grampa who passed on Halloween many years ago. We are about 12 weeks and 5 days pregnant. There has been plenty of confusion about our due date. We meet with the doctor May 20th for our next prenatal appointment and to discuss the dates. Currently I am out of the first trimester, which is amazing. With the second trimester, comes less worry, no longer existent morning sickness and we are that much closer to finding out if we are going to be blessed with a girl or boy. At this point I've come to terms with whatever it may be. I'd prefer a girl so that my heart will be okay with only two children. At the same time a boy would be nice, because as my brother Ben says, "I would have enjoyed having a brother to play with." I'm torn. We should be able to find out in June, but we will know more after May 20th.
Us - We've been super busy looking for employment. Scott's unemployment is quickly running out and I have no income. I had an interview Monday and also one today. I haven't heard from the Monday interview but I feel really great about todays. I should know more about today's interview on Monday. It is a great opportunity and I am praying that I get the position and then can impress them enough to hire me as a permanent, regardless of the fact that I am pregnant. We have an extremely busy month ahead. Between birthday parties, birthdays, wedding showers, and vacation we will be right out straight!
2:07 PM
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Glummy weather but an okay day. Today was Regina's Bridal shower, about 2 months until their big day. I'm very happy for them, as they seem to be very happy with one another. Cheers to the new Dumont Family.
Drake - He has a doctors appointment tomorrow (hopefully, I have to call and schedule it) to check on a rash that resembles ring worm and also the diaper rash that will not dissapear. We can't seem to win, we tried the medicated cream and the oral medication and have not prevailed. Drake also has learned a new word, AJ, the name of my mom's dog! Too funny.
Baby Bean - Tomorrow will mark the 7 week mark. I've got a new due date of November 16! Bittersweet that date is, because it was my sister's birthday. I am praying this baby is a girl and is born around then. This baby will be named after Ashley Renae. We are toying with many variations of the name. This week the baby is about the size of a blueberry. This pregnancy is very different from the last. I have morning sickness this time, not as tired and the heartburn isn't as awful yet. The ultrasound was Thursday of last week and the baby's heartbeat was 132. We were in the clear finally! I do have quite a few cysts on both ovaries, which apparently is caused from the stimulation of the clomid on my ovaries. This shouldn't be a problem but we shall see.
12:39 PM
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I interviewed last week at a job and was called today and informed they chose someone else. I have another interview tomorrow. This one is also for an office position. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Drake- He said his first word last Monday, (March 16th) Dada. He crawls around saying dadadadada all day lol. He has had a diaper rash that we are trying to kill with some oral medications. He also has a skin irritated rash under his left eye. Nothing to do about that just yet, he has incredibly sensitive skin.
Baby Bean- I'm 6 weeks and 1 day I believe and the bambino is the size of a lentil bean. Friday I had an ultrasound done. They gave me a new due date of November 15 which is impossible as I know when I ovulated. We left the ultrasound feeling happy. A few hours later we got a phone call from our ob-gyn that the heartbeat was lower than they would like. We did see one though! She scheduled us for a repeat ultrasound this Thursday to check on things. We are scared but we are hoping everything is fine.
Turkey dinner tonighr, I cannot wait!
7:41 AM
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The last couple of days have been crazy weather, beautiful one day, then rainy/snowy the next. Yesterday we went to the zoo with Chris and Steph. I enjoy going to the zoo as it supplies me with some exercise. I've been applying for work up the wazoo. Money is so tight it is insane. I have no idea how we will make it through to April if I don't get a job very soon. It is tough, I really would prefer an office job. Being pregnant isn't going to make any standing job a good one, although that may be what it comes down to.
I've been enjoying my time with Drake. In November he will have to share my attention so I'm trying hard to cherish every moment I have with him to myself. I'm so excited for him, he will have someone to play with! He has been so happy lately, that boy is always in a good mood.
Baby Bean
Size of a sesame seed. We already have a couple of appointments set up. Firstly, we have our ultrasound on Friday March 27th. Our nurse appointment is March 31 and our first appointment with our new doctor is April 9. I can't wait to see the baby on the ultrasound and see the heartbeat! We are switching doctors this pregnancy because Providence is far and we weren't 100% happy with the end of our pregnancy at the old doctor. The only way we would switch back is if for whatever reason this pregnancy turns high risk. If that happens we both decided it would be best to deliver at Woman and Infants so the baby has the best possible chance. If everything goes smoothly during the pregnancy we will be delivering at South County hospital this time! My symptoms so far haven't been too bad, one thing that is oddly different is that although I'm tired (not anywhere close to what I was with Drake) I find myself having severe issues falling to sleep. I've already begun with the heartburn and finding myself hungry often but full quickly. I'm eating many small meals to curb the morning sickness.
5:13 PM
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Today was so gorgeous out!!! Tomorrow it is suppose to sleet:(. We spent the wonderful day today just walking around Roger Williams Zoo. It was a really good exercise and Drake really enjoyed the walk in his stroller. The zoo was also filled with many double strollers. Something I've never really paid much attention to before. We saw a couple that we liked so we are on a venture to find a slightly used one through craigslist or a consigment shop. No rush of course.
After our stroll through the Zoo we visited John and Mimi at their new house. It was nice to see them as we haven't seen them in a while. John and Scott discussed Scott's issue of whether to take the job or to leave it, still haven't decided. A lot of issues to weigh and it is taking a while.
Busy day tomorrow, bringing Drake to the doc to have his eye rash and his diaper rash checked out. Today Drake waved for the first time!!!
4:12 PM
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As many of you have heard or by now figured out, we are pregnant. We are very excited and overjoyed by the addition that will be coming in November. Having a baby should be such a happy time, but leave it to family to ruin that for you.
First off, why would anyone ever ask anyone else if they were trying or this baby was an accident. Regardless it isn't anyone's business unless the couple would like it to be. I just think it is so rude of people to ask that. Either way, does it make this child any less special??? You have to wonder who brought up the people that walk this earth today.
Secondly, if your reaction to us telling you we are pregnant is anything other than happiness, don't say anything. I don't want to hear any of your negativity. (It's pretty sad when a certain someone I know could even hide their dissapproval, even though we knew they wouldn't be excited they managed to say "Congrats.") It is my family, not yours and truly you have no say. Seriously, when you think about when he/she arrives in November do you think you will love them any less because it might not have been the best timing for us to have them. People's stupid comments really hurt. I've really had quite enough. I try to be nice, but I simply don't see the point anymore. I've decided that I will not be around people who have negative things to bring to my world. Your loss not ours. Maybe I'm just being overly emotional but I needed to get it out.
8:15 AM
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Just a little quickie, more to come later this afternoon! Something big, so be sure to check it out!
Anyway, yesterday Drake learned to high five (well sort of, he puts his hand up if you put yours there first) and he learned to drink from a straw!
4:27 AM
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Let's start with the little man. Drake had his 9 month check up on Friday and he weighs 19.12 lbs. and is 29" long. He is in the 50th percentile for weight and 75th for height. Yesterday he got his second bottom tooth. He's such a big man.
Yesterday we celebrated Mom and Aunty Gayle's birthdays at Olive Garden with the whole family. It was nice to see everyone.
This week was spent mainly settling back in and looking for jobs. The search goes on.
Last weekend we were in NC withe almost Scott's entire family and Ben came too. It was pretty relaxing and we all had a decent time. The ride was really long but not much we can do about it. We were celebrating Russ' 50th birthday.
Nothing terribly new going on, just praying for happy news.
1:31 PM
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Today has been a complete day of laziness. Drake has been busy crawling and standing around the living room, while Daddy and I caught up on our most recent addiction, Weeds. The showtime series, not the drug. We've watched the first 3 seasons and hopefully will get to see season 4 shortly. Although there are plenty of things we could be doing right now, we crumble and watch television and simply relax. I'm excited for dinner, turkey burgers with extra sharp cheddar in the center. New recipe so we shall see. Tomorrow will be a crazy day. Laundry, cleaning house, Scott's getting a hair cut, and the baby is sleeping at Grammies. The last one is a semi-sweet event. Mommy and Daddy will have a night alone, but we miss the little guy. The little guy who by the way is tall enough to see over the arm of the couch to play peek a boo with Mommy.
Last night was a hard night for Mommy, well I suppose Daddy too. I'm having a really hard time wrapping my head around what family is suppose to mean, why we feel so drawn and loyal to them and why they are often the ones we treat the worst? Aimee Z put a quote up about family being like the tentacles of an octupus that we never could escape and in our most inner hearts would never wish to. Yesterday, I think I wished to, even if it was temporarily. I'm really tired of outsiders who are looking in making judgements upon my family. We are three people and the last time I checked they are on the outside and play no role here. What really gets me is the hypocrictal members who pass judgement. Those ones I could really do without. I'm no angel I've done it and I am not sure why. It by no means made me feel good. I'm trying to fix that and trying to stop doing it but it is a process. I'm also attempting to accept my family for what and who they are. I realize expecations put a lot of pressure on people and if I didn't have them in the first place, I'd never be able to be let down.
Anyhow, the morning was 100% better than last night and I thank god. I have an amazing husband who really gets me even if he doesn't think so.
8:04 AM
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Money is tight and gifts are just objects. We decided we weren't going to buy each other anything and just to celebrate being together and being with Drake.
We woke up this morning, I had Drake from 5:35 am until 6 am and he was tired but ate his bottle. The last couple of days he hasn't been eating like normal, we figured he was just tired of baby food (1st time parents that we are.) Then Scott had the baby from 6:16 am to 7:36 am. He said that baby had been fussy the whole time. This isn't typical for Drake so I got up and held him. He calmed down a little bit. I called my mom to say Happy Valentines Day and Drake was biting his finger. He has been biting in the same spot for a few days. Lo and behold Drake's first tooth popped through this morning. You can see it poking out! Time for tooth brushes and orajel! I'll post a picture when it comes up fully! Our baby boy is getting so big so fast. Yesterday he proves to us he can crawl like a mad man and today his first tooth!
3:45 PM
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That is right, Drake is crawling take a look! Such a big boy!
5:24 AM
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As most know, we have been dieting. By we, I mean Scott and I. We both have goals of becoming skinnier, but more importantly healthier. The diet was quite successful for the first 3 weeks and then it went down hill. What do we do now, we are getting back on the horse. We are coming back with a vengance and are hoping for big results.
We love the support we get from everyone. Most people are enthusiastic and supportive in our efforts. On the flip side there are the people who aren't so wonderful. We are big people, we didn't get like this overnight. That being said, it won't be coming off overnight. We realize we have a long haul in front of us.